Chairs and Professorships Open for Nomination through College
- None at this time
Endowed Chairs
B. Jack Wendt ’44 Texas Rice Research Foundation Chair
To support the professional activities of the holder which will focus on the research, education, and extension needs of the rice industry to allow for cutting-edge science that enhances the Texas Rice industry.
Barbara J. and William M. “Bill” Huffman ’53 Chair in Poultry Science
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of poultry science.
Borlaug-Monsanto Chair in Plant Breeding and International Crop Improvement
To support the holder who is a member of the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, a prominent scientist and proponent of biotechnology, with expertise in plant breeding, international crop improvement and production related to improved human nutrition, health and welfare.
Caesar Kleberg Chair of Wildlife Ecology
To support the holder to develop information needed for the wise use and management of wildlife game species of ungulates, birds, and ecologically related animals and plants, both native and imported.
Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Eng
To support the holder who is a distinguished scholar with focus on water engineering topics including, but not limited to surface water, groundwater hydrology, irrigation engineering and management, urban water resource management, reuse of municipal wastewater, water quality, drought and climate forecasting, wildlife habitat management, pollution management, water quality remediation and conservation.
Charles Parencia Chair in Entomology
The holder will contribute significant and unique enhancements to the department’s existing scholarly activities in research, teaching and service, and promote excellence in cotton IPM teaching, research and extension educational programs.
Dianne and M. Edward Rister ’74 Endowed Chair in Agribusiness Entrepreneurship
To support the teaching, research, service, and professional development activities of the holder in the Department of Agricultural Economics.
Dr. Red Duke Boone and Crockett Chair in Wildlife Conservation and Policy
To support the holder to conduct activities and promote research, education, and outreach in furtherance of the Boone and Crockett Club’s policy to promote the guardianship and provident management of big game as associated wildlife in North America, and to maintain the highest standards of fair chase and sportsmanship in all aspects of big game hunting in order that this resource of all the people may survive and prosper in its natural habitat.
Elda K. Bradberry Chair for Youth Development
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder focused on the area of youth at risk and support studies and outreach efforts pertaining to prevention and intervention strategies that increase the likelihood of youth at risk growing into productive citizens.
Endowed Chair in Agricultural Biotechnology
To support the holder who is a U.S. citizen who is an eminent scholar who will teach, enrich, stimulate, and advance the field of agriculture biotechnology.
Endowed Chair in Cotton Engineering, Ginning and Mechanization
To support the research, education, and extension activities of the holder in the field of Cotton Ginning/Mechanization Engineering to develop a program of excellence in Cotton Engineering, Ginning, and Mechanization.
E. M. “Manny” Rosenthal Chair in Animal Science
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of animal science.
Endowed Chair in Urban Entomology
To support the teaching, research and professional activities of the holder in the area of urban entomology.
Eugene Butler Chair in Agricultural Biotechnology
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of agricultural biotechnology.
Gary ’68 and Kay Smith Endowed Chair in Meat Science Excellence
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the Department of Animal Science. The primary focus of the holder of this chair must be in meat science to support cutting-edge research and teaching to advance the meat science discipline and educate future meat science leaders.
Henry M. Beachell Endowed Chair in International Agronomy
To support teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of international agronomy.
Howard G. Buffett Foundation Chair in Conflict and Development
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the field of conflict and development, drawn from the fields of agriculture, governance in fragile states, community development, or other disciplines related to the subject. The holder will demonstrate significant achievement and commitment to the advancement of the welfare of communities, enduring conflict or emerging from conflict. The holder will foster and substantially participate in the establishment of a graduate studies program on conflict and development in AGLS in collaboration with the Bush School and will be an integrated researcher and scholar of the Normal Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture.
Kerry Litzenberg Sales and Economics Chair
To support teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder.
Link Endowed Chair in Equine Science
To support a distinguished faculty member (Associate Professor or Professor) with primary research efforts focusing on equine science within the Department of Animal Science in the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences at Texas A&M University. The funds will be used to support the teaching, research, service, and professional development activities of the holder.
M. “Buddy” Benz Chair in Floral Design
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of floral design.
Neville P Clarke ’54 Endowed Chair
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the Center for Integrated Analysis of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
O. D. Butler Endowed Chair in Animal Science
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder who will continue to develop the science and education program in the animal sciences that complement established programs investigating the molecular basis for the expression of genes regulating physiological/biochemical processes in livestock.
Perry L. Adkisson Chair in Agricultural Biology
To support teaching, research and professional activities of the holder. The holder must be a U.S. citizen and should be an eminent scholar whose teaching and research will advance the field of agricultural biology.
R.J. Wolfe-Welch Foundation Chair in Science
To bring a professor of eminent standing who otherwise would not be attracted to the State, thus increasing markedly the level of basic scientific research in chemistry and allied sciences in this area.
Robert E. Basye Chair in Rose Genetics
This endowed chair benefits the Department of Horticultural Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University. The purpose of the gift is to provide for the study and improvement of rose bushes.
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. Chair in Animal Science
The holder will enable the University to continue the tradition of raising the quality of farming and ranching, and in the process raise the quality of life for all. The holder should possess a purebred livestock orientation with experience in international cooperation with the various livestock activities at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition, and will serve as the official liaision between the San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University.
Shirley and Daniel Pfannstiel ’49 Chair for International Agriculture Development and Extension Education
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the international agricultural development and extension education arena to ensure the continued support of individuals meeting the needs of the developing world through education.
Southwest Dairy Marketing Chair
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in agricultural economics to develop and enhance research and outreach programs related to expanding the demand for dairy products. Specific research may include testing the effectiveness of market development and promotion efforts, the nutritional value of milk and dairy products, the sale, distribution, marketing and utilization of milk and dairy products, and the creation of new products, to the end that marketing and utilization of milk and dairy products may be encouraged, expanded, improved or made more acceptable.
The Ellen and Jim Ellison Chair in International Floriculture
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of international floriculture.
Weston Economics of Responsive Agriculture Chair
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder.
Willliam W. Allen Chair in Nutrition
To support the holder in research of foods which influence human health and nutrition, including the development of new, genetically-altered foods which can prevent diet-related disease.
Endowed Professorships
Billie B. Turner ’51 Professorship in Production Agronomy
To support the research, teaching, and professional development activities of the holder in the area of Soil and Crop Sciences.
Burkhart Endowed Professorship for Beef Cattle Research
This professorship is established to support a distinguished faculty member (Associate Professor or Professor) with primary research efforts focusing on integrated beef cow/calf systems in the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences at Texas A&M University. These funds will be used to support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder.
Christine Richardson Professorship in Agriculture
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of life sciences.
Dow Chemical Endowed Professorship in Bioprocess Engineering
To support the holder in developing a bioprocess engineering program in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
Dr. R. H. Cintron University Professorship for Teaching Excellence
This professorship is established to acknowledge and reward exceptional teaching within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. This endowed professorship recognizes faculty members who demonstrate outstanding classroom instruction skills, thereby contributing to the enhancement of education within the college.
IFANCA Professorship in Food Diversity
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the area of nutrition and food diversity.
Joan Negley Kelleher Professorship in Ranch Management
This endowed professorship aims to elevate teaching and research in range management specifically pertaining to ranching on rangeland. The incumbent will advance scholarly and professional endeavors in Range Management, showcasing exemplary competence and leadership, with a focus on Texas rangelands. They will undertake research and teaching responsibilities tailored to the needs of ranching communities, surpassing conventional expectations for a Professor in this field.
John Riggs ’41 Beef Cattle Professorship
To support the professional activities of the holder who has responsibility for graduate student beef cattle activities. The professorship will be used to support graduate students enrolled in beef cattle production related graduate programs. The proceeds from the professorship will provide a source of funds to enhance excellence in beef cattle graduate student instruction, training, and enrichment activities such as providing graduate assistantships, travel to scientific meeting to present research results, dissertation or thesis research project support and other enrichment activities to enhance their graduate education and training.
Love, Tito’s Endowed Professorship in Responsive Agriculture
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder in the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences in support of the Institute for Advancing Health through Agriculture at Texas A&M AgriLife.
Roy B. Davis Distinguished Professorship of Agricultural Cooperation
To support the professional activities of the holder in agricultural economics with a majority Extension appointment and specialization in the area of agricultural cooperation. The professorship will support research and extension work with agricultural cooperatives.
Sadie Hatfield Professorship in Agriculture
To support the teaching, research, service and professional development activities of the holder.
Stiles Professor of Agriculture
To support the professional activities of holder in the education or training of men and women engaged in agricultural production or in preparing themselves for careers in the field of agriculture.
TM O’Connor Professorship in Range Science
To support the holder in conducting research and teaching in range science applicable to the Coastal Bend of Texas. The holder will (1) participate in the education and training of young people who enter into range management and ranching-related activites, (2) conduct and direct research to increase rangeland productivity and the profitability of ranching operations, and (3) provide leadership and coordination for activities in education, research and public service among various universities, federal agencies and the ranching industry.